Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things I Hate

1. Staying inside so long that your brain turns to mush and you want to explode

2. Being bored/not being able to do what you feel like doing

3. Clogged drains

4. That feeling you get after you eat deep-fried food

5. Feelings of frustration

Things I Like

1. Street lights reflecting onto my bedroom wall

2. Reading the newspaper and drinking coffee, because it reminds me of my mother. We'd do this before work and school when I lived with her/before her newspaper subscription got cancelled. I'm too poor for a subscription and I hate the Otago Daily Times, but I buy a Christchurch Press on Wednesdays and Saturdays and a Sunday Star Times.

3. Eating things that are crunchy

4. Waking up in a clean bedroom

5. The view from my house: the top of a church steeple from my bathroom window; the lights on a nearby hill from my lounge window.
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