Saturday, June 12, 2010


I like to look at every person I walk past. I make a point of it. It's an automatic pattern; I look up, I look down, I set my face in a certain expression and I look up again to see if the person will look at me too. I like making judgements about people based on this momentary exchange and to know if they are a rude or kind sort of person, or maybe if they are bored or upset. I did this pattern when I saw a girl coming towards me as I walked across campus tonight, going home from the supermarket. I bought coffee, spinach, mushrooms, a newspaper, orange tic-tacs, and pumpkins seeds which were partly thieved because I said they were code 41782, which is in truth sunflower seeds. She was a short, black-haired girl and she wore a white fur coat and a gold belt. That description doesn't really adequately describe how sweet she looked. When I looked at her she didn't look back because she was smiling to herself with lots of teeth. It was nice and I was glad I saw it.

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