Friday, September 10, 2010

Galactic fantasies

Be my starry girl, sparkle and murmur at me with all your talent, so demure. Kiss me with your glitter mouth, baby.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Birthday

David Klein ca.2010

Happy Birthday David! I intended to send you a card in the post, but with the earthquake and all that was happening, I forgot, I'm sorry. I'm not even sure the postal service is totally functional. I haven't known you very long but I'm so glad we met. You are one of the kindest, most amazing, and refreshing (is that a weird adjective to choose?) people I know. You see the world and experience life with such joy and emotion, and I admire you hugely. I hope you had a beautiful day x

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Too much butter = self pity

I used to feel glad that the process of making friends at school was behind me. I thought that leaving school would mean only making friends with people I really had a connection with, and avoiding all those acquaintances I didn't really care for. I didn't realise that school friendships are easy because you see each other all the time and you know that arrangement will continue for awhile. I guess I didn't consider how much harder it would be to make friends 'in the real world', or that from now on everyone I meet will probably only have a semi-permanent place in my life. I know that you don't forget your friends, even when they/you aren't together anymore, I just didn't expect people to stop caring so soon.
I think about my friends so often, and people who probably don't think I think about them, and they don't realise how much I love them, because usually the "Oh my god, I just love you so much, I mean, I really LOVE YOU" conversation occurs after several drinks. But I am sincere. I can tell I'm becoming an "old friend" to a lot of people though a.k.a no longer relevant or adored.

*insert self-deprecating comment here*

I have nothing. Except awkward emotionality. I cried in the toilet earlier because my relatives left my brother's birthday dinner without staying to eat the cake that I spent all day baking, layering, smothering in ganache and decorating with violets. I mean, come on.
I blame Christchurch, it makes me volatile. Maybe it's the changing seasons or the northerly winds or something. Yeah, I bet that's it.
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